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Eye Pressure

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Milo2 | 22:51 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
The last few times that I've been to see the optician, the pressure measurement has been towards the top end of the scale. She now wants me to have a different test that uses a probe to touch the eye, using anaesthetic drops. Has any one had this and could tell me what it is like?


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This is probably a more accurate method to determine what probably are early signs of glaucoma.
Yes I have regularly as I have Glaucoma, the drops work very well and the test is very short and easily tolerated.

You will be a bit blurry afterwards.
Further to my previous answer I had various checks when Doctors assessed my cataracts and would assume the drops they want to use would numb the eye and you would feel nothing.Just need a driver on the day.
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I realise that it is to test for glaucoma. Thank you for the reassurance, Mamya. I really didn't like the sound of it!
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Thank you for the extra information, grumpy.
It’s a dawdle really...the eye hospital do it for my retinopathy screen. If your not used to it it’s not pleasant to begin with but it’s not as bad as it sounds and you get used to it. I actually looked forward to my pressure check.

Good luck!
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Thank you, QoM. I feel much better about it.
You’re welcome Milo, hope everything goes well.
I've had this test a couple of times, and honestly, you won't feel a thing.
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Thank you for your answer 4candles. I wasn’t looking forward to it but feel much better following all the positive comments.
honestly it is OK
you dont even have to grit your teeth ...
I had this. It was fine, nothing at all to worry about.
Oh I am going to opticians tomorrow because I have been told I have diabetes type 2 but I had retina screening at hospital and got letter back saying my sight is okay but my eyesight is blurry and my glasses are useless , don't know what to expect , did not get any drops in eyes at hospital.
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Thank you for the answers. Obviously not as bad as I thought.

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