I have had a cold and bad cough for 10 days been treating it with sugar free cough syrup and paracetamol, as of yesterday morning the cough was getting better and nasal discharge was green.
Then last night I started shivering uncontrollably and my face hurts on the left from above my eye down my nose and cheek. Went to bed and slept like the dead.
Woke up this morning still sore and shivering!
I have paracetamol, cold and flu and co-codamol 30/500mg.
Do I just spend the day in bed with fluids? What medication should I take?
You're welcome. I can't account for the face pain, I've never come across that before in a cold. If it continues when the cold has run it's course I would suggest you see your GP.
I find reading helps to occupy the mind.
Have agree with boaty on all counts .....a warm room is essential, a warm flannel/face washer on your face may help ( works for my sinus) an inhaler might help if that side is blocked, good luck, I know it's miserable.
I agree that you have sinusitis which is causing your facial pain.
Continue on the regime of analgesics that you mentioned and of you have a decongestant nasal spray e.g Vick or Sinex, then use this in your left nostril.
Monitor the situation for 48 hours and if there is no improvement then you might need antibiotics........but not at the moment.
I'm a strong believer in , do you have any Olbas Oil or Vick .
Put some in a bowl of hot water and drape a towel over your head as you breath in the vapor. Keep the vapor directed toward your face, take a break, do it again and keep doing it for 10 minutes. Repeat on and off during the day and before bed. Dot some Olbas Oil on your pillow, or Vick on the chest, it will all help to relax the sinuses.
Thanks all have some vicks but no nasal spray and live in the back of beyond so won’t get any.
Just looked in the mirror and that side of the face is puffy and swollen!.
Thats the trouble when you're feeling so poorly, you cant get supplies easily, but I'm pleased you have some Vicks. Plop some in some hot water now ( not boiling dont scald yourself) and breath in slowly and gently. Hope it helps.
I always have a regular steam when I get a cold because most times I end up with painful sinuses. I take anti inflammatorys and use a facial steamer (sometimes put a drop of olbas oil in) for at least 10 mins 3-4 times a day. Also a lie down with a hot flannel/eyemask over the painful areas followed by as firm a massage of the sinus areas as you can bear. It helps me
Have you wondered if you have developed a tooth abscess? If you hadn't mentioned a cold all your symptoms would probably have suggested that as most likely, especially now you say it's swollen.
I'm a heat addict so holding a bearable hot water bottle to your face might help.
Ah!....good point by Prudie......the swelling of the face might indicate a tooth problem rather that a sinus infection, as the latter is not usually associated with swelling.
Just be careful with your overall paracetamol dose, no more than 4g in 24 hours. Voicemail has the same amount as standard paracetamol tablets so right together not both.