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long2019 | 21:44 Wed 17th Apr 2019 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
any predictions for summer good or bad


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The predictions are always... the hottest summer ever and the coldest winter ever. One day they will be right.
I hope it is another good one.
Anything that warms the rain up a bit has to be good.
Its not really good for ones eyes... but seeing children playing , Swans in the lake ... it has to be good for some.
I predict lovely long sunny days, not too hot, then some rain during the night to keep our grass green and our parks and gardens looking fresh.
I can dream if I want can't I?
What about you long2019, have you a prediction? Oh and welcome to Answerbank.
next doors kids will scream and I will get bitten to shreds by mozzies.
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You are supposed to love the season you were born in but I emphatically do not.....much prefer autumn.
I predict there will be a lot of politicians arguing about Brexit.
Last summer was magical, I loved every moment (born in August!) I really hope it is as good this year!
I hope and pray it's not as hot as last year, temps up to 33deg. is wayyy too hot for me ! Between 18 and 22 would be fine with rain sometimes at night. I much prefer Autumn which is a lovely season.
I've just got over a cold.... but why o' why does everyone decide to cut their grass at the same time. I'm coughing and sneezing again, mini rant over.

I think it will be a good Summer though, as we've had little snow over winter.
m\gpies nesting high
twill be a good summer - aaargh !
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I'm with you hIa, can no longer stand the heat. Took the dog out this morning about 8.30 while still fairly cool and this evening about 6pm which turned out to be too warm, for me anyway, not him.
last tummer was bliss, just a couple of days where it was too hot to do anything, but even then I could lie down and do nothing. More like that, please!

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