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A Question For Vegetarians/vegans

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hc4361 | 08:59 Thu 16th May 2019 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
If the nation were to become 100% non-meat eating where would the meat for dog and cat food come from?


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We don't have enough fields to be able to produce enough variation of crops to sustain a 100% vegan nation.
From dead cats & dogs.
We'd still have the animals.
I'm neither vegetarian or vegan. Am i allowed to answer?
Pets would be sustained on a diet of smugness and discarded braces.
"We'd still have the animals."

No we wouldn't. They would be pointless if we didn't eat them. Also the land they live on would be used for vegetation.
//They would be pointless if we didn't eat them. //

We don't eat cats and dogs ... well at least I don't.
if the point was over here, you're well over there.

I'm referring to the cows, pigs, sheep.
//if the point was over here, you're well over there. //

What does that mean?
Dogs can live without meat, so that part is a void question. Cats however can't, they become extremely ill, so who knows?
I guess this is an ethical rather than a practical question since vegetarians and vegans are going to remain as a small minority of society for the foreseeable future.

"What does that mean?"

It means you missed the point :)
Since this isn't about farm animals perhaps that's just as well, spath.
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ummm, no way would we still have pigs, cows, sheep, chickens except in a rare breeds petting zoo sort of scenario. Certainly not enough to keep the cats and dogs fed.

Dogs may be able to survive on a vegetarian diet but that is nowhere near their natural diet.
"where would the meat for dog and cat food come from?"

Yes it is.

Ummm said the animals would still be about if we didn't eat them (Ie, sheep, pigs, cows) but if we didn't eat them, we'd have no reason to farm them. The land would be used for vegetation instead.
I thought she was saying we'd still have cats and dogs... but never mind.
Ah i see, well.. she may well have been but i thought Ummm was on about the animals that we currently eat. If we didn't eat them, would we still have them? I think not.
Here we go again, heading for the same old thread, that's been flogged to death. I'm off for a nice day out. :)
Veggies might not eat meat but they do eat cheese and drink milk. Where does that come from Spath?
we don't eat dairy cows or chickens for laying eggs. Nor do they use these animals for dog an cat food.

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