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There Are Times When I Absolutely Hate Human Beings

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naomi24 | 16:22 Tue 02nd Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
This made me sick to my stomach. A bird feeding its chick a cigarette butt.

I was listening to a radio discussion about waste. It seems that last Sunday contractors in the seaside resort of Clacton collected 13 tons of waste from along its seafront – the result of just one sunny day. Plastic bags and bottles left for the sea to take last 1000 years, a glass bottle 4000 years, and just a newspaper one whole year. I really wish people would think. Just a little would help!


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No easy fix I'm afraid, and just one of many doomsday scenarios facing us.
I am a smoker but I can't stand people chucking butts away ,I carry a small ashtray with a lid .
It's hateful, all littering is - portable ashtrays are so cheap too.
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Good for you mallyh.

Theland, there is no easy fix - but there is a fix. People need to engage their brains and take their rotten rubbish home with them. It's not difficult.
A few days ago whilst walking the dogs I saw a young man drop a beer bottle in the long grass 4 yards from a bin - and then walk past the bin...
I picked it up, and binned it. That's how grass fires start.
The whole park is littered after a warm sunny da.
naomi24 I’m in complete agreement with you I even hate misanthropist’s. There are a few good people, a few really bad people, and a heck of a lot of stupid people.
I get sick of myself sometimes, but, what can you do?
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Portable ashtrays aside, picking a cigarette butt up and disposing of it in a rubbish bin would do.
Then some emphasis needs to highlight this anti social behaviour, and enforced with self financing litter wardens issuing fines. Just a thought.
I agree Naomi. Totally and unreservedly.
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shoota, I was sitting in my car waiting to collect my husband from the station when a man walked past, took a final swig from his beer can, and flung it. Without hesitation I yelled 'Hey! Pick that up! There's a bin just there!' Instantly I thought, 'Oops! I shouldn't have done that. He's probably going to wallop me now'. But no, I was wrong. He sheepishly picked up the can and binned it! That's what's called a result I think! I amazed myself!
Well done Naomi, but the wrong guy at the wrong time? You just be careful.
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I know. Kneejerk reaction. My husband told me off too.
This has sickened me as much as the video I saw today of 40k of plastic being removed from the stomach of a whale.
We are in high tourist season in the village. This means that the weekly litter pick by the locals has started but it’s the bloody cigarettes ends that are a pain.
Ten or more coaches arrive each afternoon. Hundreds of tourists who are made more than welcome but the first thing the smokers do is light up..have a quick smoke and drop the end wherever they they, or the folk on Clayton sea front, ever think about who is going to clean up after them?
Littering of any kind makes me so angry. Pure laziness. We live rurally on a holiday route and have had people pull up in our gateway many times and sling out rubbish from their car. Even found a load of cigarette buts emptied there one day. Soiled nappies are not rare either chucked out of car windows!!
It has always been a problem but I really think it's a lot worse nowadays. At the risk of being shouted down I truly believe it's the fault of the last couple of generations of parents at fault, they just don't bother teaching their offspring not to do it and why not to do it.
smokers have always been selfish disgusting creatures incapable of using a bin.
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TTT, it's not all about smokers. I have no objection to people smoking if that's what they want to do, but Prudie is right. Some people just don't care. Perhaps it's time to make a concerted effort and rather than kids being encouraged to join seasoned marchers (who love nothing more than a good shouty march), in the currently popular trend of protesting about climate change, instead be organised to clear up hedgerows and beaches ... with the television cameras filming them and the reporters supporting them - and make it headline news broadcast worldwide. It really has to stop.
//instead be organised to clear up hedgerows and beaches .//

Hats off to the Daily Mail in this regard with their campaign!!
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ag, the DM is heading such a campaign? I didn't know that. Good for them! Thank you.
Yes Naomi, big clean ups around the country!! ;-)

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