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Pet Hates!

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Smowball | 17:15 Fri 16th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
Ok, what drives you absolutely mad!?
Mine is driving and letting go/giving way to another car and they don’t even acknowledge you, out their hand up or say Thankyou. They just drive last and completely ignore you!
What about yours?


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Seeing people dropping litter.
People talking on their phones while paying at cash registers or anywhere else. Ignoring the person serving them
Loss of pet hates:-

Seeing young people smoke.
Old fat freaks in the pub trying to chat up the female staff.
Seeing Muslims disrespect our culture by looking like letterboxes.
Anything Politically Correct. Loads of them!
The reluctance of politicians to stand up for our culture.
Reverend Richard Coles, never off the radio and often on TV, instead of spreading the Word.
More later.
Very few really, I don't let things get to me.

Of course I dislike things like littering and disturbing the peace.

I have a pet Agouti instead.
Very few mainly racism and people going on about loss of our culture, I mean what is ‘our culture ‘
Being refered to as, You Guys.
The term VIP. We're all VIPs, called them guests or the elite or whatever you like, just not VIPs!
yours smow - and today was hell as the A30 was blocked and the lanes around here snowballed by tourists.

people in restaurants who dash out the command, 'Enjoy' rather than something more benign like 'I hope you enjoy your food.'

trash in the lanes - and it's not just around here.
I don't really have any I think, except lack of manners. On AB, the most pitiful thing is the number of white male ABers bleating about "PCness" when anyone not white and male gets a job anywhere.
Besides the obvious like dropping litter etc.

Nosey people. I've had my ex's sister round here quite a few times recently. She hasn't come to see me, she wants some info but doesn't want to ask outright.
Catching guys staring and whistling at me when I'm out.

Pixie - There are lots of barriers. Police and BBC to name but two
Barriers to what, theland? I didn't mean you or anyone in particular, just an observation over time. AB has totally change my mind about "positive discrimination" because o the general attitudes here.
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Not just me then!
agchristie: I agree with your comment. I don't like being whistled at either. Also, chuggers are one of my pet hates.
People walking their dogs off lead!! Its not so much a problem of the dog being off lead, but the dog is usually trailing behind the owner and and dumping its load wherever it wants and the owner rarely looks back to see what their dog is doing or where it has pooped. The rest of us end up stepping. Its giving other dog owners a bad name!!
People who pile their bags on the seat next to them on a busy train and think thats OK.

I chose the one with the most stuff, the headphones on and the grumpiest face, and ask them if I can sit there.

Chuggers would be my second pet hate!!

Are you my twin? ;-)
People who constantly check their mobile phones.
Just ignore both, ag. Nothing changes x
I agree, ratter (nice to see you :-)). I do let mine off as much as possible, but do watch them all. It surprises me that people are willing to walk their dogs for miles... but not willing to bend down...

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