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mallyh | 08:28 Sun 15th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I went back to hospital yesterday morning as my left wrist was really hurting and they found a fracture there as well.just thought it was hurting like everywhere until I tried to pick up a book at home now have a cloth splint on left wrist and a splint and sling on right .poor mr mally has got to do everything .I can type with one finger so cant do any of my mag comps .fracture clinic ringing tomorrow .


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Wow Mally you did a good job on yourself, hope you're not in too much pain. The only thing you can do is rest and keep taking the pain killers. I feel down the stairs and broke my left humerus a couple of years ago and was in in sling for 6 weeks and that was bad enough but not having either arm working properly must be awful!
sorry to hear this but i admire your patience in typing the post with one finger
What did you actually do Mallyh? How did you fracture both hands?
I feel your pain - I’ve fractured my left hand too!! Can’t drive, as you said everything is taking forever. You don’t realise how much you use your hands until you can’t. I also have splint - they’ve said it could take 6 months. Sending you much love x
so that makes - - four?
I dont think you have been treated very well quite honestly
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tilly I tripped and fell forward.peter they were lovelyto me but I was in so much pain from my right arm ,everything hurt .x
oh, the pain is bone grinding on bone
terribly painful
also makes you want to throw up

remember the usua; - paracetamol and ibuprofen
missing a fracture is not really what the3y were paid to do
Sorry to hear this. Apart from the pain must be so inconvenient for you. I broke bits from one elbow a couple of years ago and it took months to heal. Was in plaster and a fixed frame thing for over 6 months. Do hope it is not so serious for you.
tilly she FOOSHd

fell on outstretched hand - goes around as FOLOSH and FOROSH
fell on left outstretched hand and ( right)
she did a full house
this type of injury is not rocket science - the one at the top may be a Galeazzi fracture - - - it was all so long ago
You must still be very shaken up, Mallyh. I am sorry. Let Mr M take the strain!
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mr mally is a star he is doing everything for me and I mean everything from washing me dressing ,feeding and all the house work on top x
Good for him, Mallyh. You'd do the same for him, I'm sure.
I'm a bloke so all of my typing is with one finger
hope you a feeling-less soon
crikey you don't do things by half, take care and let your o/h do stuff, he doesn't have any choice but its good that you got someone to do it.
I missed your original post on Friday (a tad busy here with the latest removal truck from the UK - hopefully the last) and only just had a read now.

That sounds very painful (not to mention inconvenient) - I hope you’ve got plenty of pain killers and possibly a small toddy too?

I hope it all mends soon and that (in the meantime) Mr Mally continues to cater for your every wish.

Dave xx
Oh dear Mally, no wonder you were in pain - the frustration is dreadful I know.

Rest when you can and a big well done to Mr Mally for looking after you xx
((Mally)) - my continuing best wishes to you both x
Blimey,Mallyh,. You really went to town! Poor you. It's just time, painkillers, rest and lots of TCL, for you right now...Keep your chin up! X
Oh, Mally! I am so sorry to read this. I'll try to give you a little smile..... :-)
Just before they were to go on holiday my cousin fell and broke both arms. They could have cancelled but two weeks in a hotel with no cooking, cleaning etc. seemed a good idea. So off they went.

Strolling along the front one sunny day...arm in arm....well arm in plaster cast.... she felt an irritation and asked D to do her a favour.

His reply: Wife darling, I love you dearly and there is little in this world I wouldn't do for you. But there is no way that I am going to put my hand up your skirt in public to wriggle your knickers out of the crack in your bottom.

Take care, Mally..... Gx

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