Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Saving Docs
3 Answers
I've gone back to Word on my new laptop but when I Save a Doc, if I don't specially choose My Docs, it auto goes into One Drive. I don't need that and would prefer it to go straight to My Docs. How do I cut our One Drive, the default Save place?
Scroll down to the part about setting the default to your local drive. https:// support. office. com/ en- us/ article/ customize- the- save- experience- in- office- 786200a7- f5f2- 4d26- a3ae- b78c60dd5d3b
11:42 Fri 27th Dec 2019
Scroll down to the part about setting the default to your local drive.
https:/ /suppor t.offic e.com/e n-us/ar ticle/c ustomiz e-the-s ave-exp erience -in-off ice-786 200a7-f 5f2-4d2 6-a3ae- b78c60d d5d3b