How old are you - could it be a hot flush?
If you haven't got a temperature ( that's not just feeling hot) and no cough then I doubt you've got Covid-19
sounds like the menopause to me. Feeling that you are hot doesn't mean you are running a temp. Symptoms are two. Running a temp and a new persistent dry cough.
100f is 37.8 which might be normal for you. you say temp has gone up...did it stay up? I am now 15ish years post menopause and 20 years post perimenopause and I still get the hot flushes and funny turns. Have you got a new cough?
You have a slight temperature, but no cough? Most of those symptoms seem to be anything but... although I am guessing, like everyone else...! A headache can be a symptom, with body aches.
Have you put this into the NHS link... I will find it, just in case xx
I still get sudden onrushes of heat (I'm 70) wobbliness etc. - it's the never-ending-*** menopause (20 years now and counting!). You need to have a new, persistent cough as well as a temperature over 38.7 before you think of coronavirus.