Hi All,
Can anyone help with the dilution rate of household bleach and cold water to make disinfectant please. It appears that everyone on google assumes that bleach contains 5% or %.25% of sodium hypochlorite and gives mixing instructions based on that, but I have two botles of bleach, from different suppliers and different manufacturers, both contain 4.6% sodium hypochlorite, so to make one ltr of disinfectant what would the mix ratio be please.
4.6% and 5% are pretty close, so I would follow the 5% instructions. It's only bleach, so doesn't need to be constructed as exactly as a sponge cake recipe.
Household bleach is a lot stronger (and more dangerous) than many people think...most people use far too much (eg you can clean a toilet bowl with only 5ml, that's one teaspoon).
For general purposes, a dilution of 10ml to 12ml bleach per litre of COLD water is sufficient. The diluted solution doesn't keep...you need to make fresh as you need it.
For clarity....5 ml in the water IN THE BOWL is enough to bleach below the waterline...not if you insist in covering all the porcelain with thick bleach (obviously!).