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My Oh Is Type2 Diabetic

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Bobbisox1 | 19:47 Thu 02nd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Tonight he felt a bit sweaty , an indication his sugar levels were too low ,
I ate a Mars bar that was sitting alone in the fridge last night, I thought,Ohhhh Noooooo
But he calmly went to the kitchen ,opened the upper cupboard ,went to the top shelf where I keep Pyrex cookware ,opened the lid of one and took out a pack of four Mars Bars !!!!!

Should I trust him????


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Can he check his sugar levels soon?
you'll never find his last rolo
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Yes he’s checked his bloods and all is okay ,,with his little stash, can I ever trust this man again tho, hiding chocolate from me,pfft!
A mans gotta have some secrets...
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I’m heartbroken, all those years of marriage and he does this to me :0(
Are you really Marianne Faithfull?
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Arh, cover blown! Pmsl
If his blood sugars are within limits then should not be a problem. Hiding sugary treats is another thing altogether, can you discuss it with him?
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He’s hiding the buggars from me haha ,
Seriously, he only has a Mars when his levels are too low
OK Bobbi, will he not share one with you?
He will if Bobbs really is Marianne...
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I took one last night , this is why he’s turned into a sly man, lol
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Shoota, hush yer mouth , haha
Bobbi, when were his insulin dosages last reviewed, assume he is on insulin? Does he keep a record of his blood sugar readings?
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Not on insulin Tony and he’s just had a review in January
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And yes, reads after evening meal but felt a bit sweaty earlier hence the 3.4 reading before his evening meal
Any man who hides chocolate was a woman in a previous life....
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I’m gunna check his wardrobe right now Rowan, thank you
Bobbi as you know 3.4 is dangerously low.

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My Oh Is Type2 Diabetic

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