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Bi Polar

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tiggerblue10 | 09:33 Sun 12th Apr 2020 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
My mum is very unwell at the moment. She has been diagnosed with bi polar and has relapsed into a severe episode and the lockdown and restrictions have exacerbated the situation. She has been prescribed Clomazepam and olanzapine and we have no idea when when will come through this.

My dad can't cope and I and my brother have no choice but to go and help him. We keep our distance and wash hands regularly. 2 mental health nurses come round every day to observe her.

How long do these meds usually take to work?


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I've nothing to add except to say I hope the medicine she's been prescribed quickly help her.
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It is Sandy, shes improving every day which is a relief for all of us :o)
This has to be a huge relief for you and your family, tigs. I hope your mum is back to herself again. X
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Definitely Pasta, she spent some time in the garden yesterday and did some gardening which is good therapy. She has started doing housework again albeit a bit haphazardly.

Her mind is starting to normalise and she spoke to my nan for the first time in over a week yesterday. Relief for her as well :o)
When the Civil Service and I parted company and I hit a goodish period I reflected on my final weeks. I must have been a total nightmare to work with. I was paranoid and most definitely living on another planet.

I hope your mum manages to keep getting better. At least the rest of you can relax a little.

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Millions of us have mental health issues at some time in our lives, some more than others. I'm glad that many of these issues are now recognised and diagnosed properly.

I'm actually sleeping properly now as well. We're all sleeping properly including my mum and have the energy to deal with it.

The nurses have been coming round every day and today thay saw a huge improvement so all good :o)

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