Oh, and one more thing: the entire world, save perhaps a mere handful of countries, has failed in its approach to this. It's been disjoint, uncoordinated, argumentative, ineffective, slow, and any other of a host of negative adjectives I can pluck from a thesaurus. The UK in that regard is far from unique, and is far from the worst culprit. At least its failures, as I see them, have been honest, from a Government that's overstretched and underprepared rather than a Government filled with strongmen *** incapable of appreciating the threat, and incapable of caring even if they did. Witness the disgusting sight of Bolsonaro firing his Health Minister for caring about people's health, or China's attempts early on to suppress and threaten those warning of the danger. The leader in Belarus's repeated denials. Orban's brazen attempt to use the medical threat to seize dictatorial powers. And so on.