most of the heat produced by the body comes from the oxidation (breakdown) of the food we eat. Also working body cells, muscles etc produce heat. The rate at which this heat is produced known as the Metabolic rate is measured in kilocalories. Factors that affect metabolic rate are:
1. exercise - metabolic rate may increase to as much as 20%
2. nervous system - in stressful situations, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated and the nerves relesase adrenalin whihc increase the metabolic rate of the body cells
3. Hormones - such as testestorone and adrenalin as mentioned above
4. Body Temp - the higher the boy temp, the higher the metabolic rate (think fever) each 1degree C increase in body temp increases biochemical reactions in the body by 20%
5. Ingestion of food - can raise the meatabolic rate by as much as 10 - 20%
and others but these are the main ones
If our body did not remove the heat then obviously the bosy temp would rise...therefore body gets rid of excess heat via radiation, conduction, convection and evapouration
Radiation - body loses heat via infared heat rays to cooler objects nearby such as floors, wlas ceilings via non contact
Conduction and convection direct contcat heat loss - ie to clothing, things touching your body, water
And loss of heat through cool air making contact with the body etc
Evapouration - perspiration
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