Music0 min ago
Weight Gain In Lockdown ..
36 Answers
How many of you working or not have put on weight throughout lockdown? Personally, I have. I know thats down to lack of routine, drinking alcohol more regularly ... (because I can! as I dont have to restrict myself as I'm not regulated by time for work being furloughed) Eating more 'treats' I wouldnt normally ect...
I have lost 4 stone but, admittedly, I started dieting on 6th January. I know a few have put on a bit of weight though. https:// ibb. co/ Rj4GP9M
08:22 Fri 29th May 2020
A little more drinking yes- a small beer /glass of wine most evenings in the garden when the sun is shining, but foodwise I've had more time to make soups and prepare meals rather than sticking a pastie or lasagne or battered fish in the oven after a busy day at work,
But the main benefit has been exercise- a brisk walk of 1 hour a day has now become two hours a day and I now think nothing of walking 3 miles to the supermarket if we run out of milk even though the car is gathering dust
But the main benefit has been exercise- a brisk walk of 1 hour a day has now become two hours a day and I now think nothing of walking 3 miles to the supermarket if we run out of milk even though the car is gathering dust
I know I know waterman, I will get back to normal, once my routine does x ;0)
For those that dont know my routine pre lockdown, its changed 100%. Im normally out to work just after 4.30am, I work part time as a cleaner, so a physical work out everyday. I come home & we have our granddaughter then every day till around 7.30 pm as mum works full time. So its gone from this to the total opposite. Mum is now working from home, we dont pick her up, and my daughter has her after school. Not that Ive not been active at all, Ive grabbed this furlough time to get a lot of jobs done around the home. Every day theres been something to do.
For those that dont know my routine pre lockdown, its changed 100%. Im normally out to work just after 4.30am, I work part time as a cleaner, so a physical work out everyday. I come home & we have our granddaughter then every day till around 7.30 pm as mum works full time. So its gone from this to the total opposite. Mum is now working from home, we dont pick her up, and my daughter has her after school. Not that Ive not been active at all, Ive grabbed this furlough time to get a lot of jobs done around the home. Every day theres been something to do.
I've lost weight...about half a stone. Partly due to a couple of 30 minute brisk walks a day with Sammi...much different than with my doddery old Sally. And my eating habits have become much more nibbling but I still indulge in chocolate. I hope it stays off until the late autumn preparation for hibernation ;)
I have lost 4 stone but,admittedly, I started dieting on 6th January. I know a few have put on a bit of weight though.
https:/ / /Rj4GP9 M