Surely there should be no such word? When I hear so many people using the word, I wonder how we,the (allegedly) most intelligent species on the planet,with everything that we have,could ever have concieved the word?
Everyone,especially with all this extra time on their hands,should do as the old welsh poet Will Davies suggests in "Leisure",-'What is this life if full of care,we have no time to stand and stare....' -the longest day,go for a walk,sit somewhere and watch the sun come up( it comes up everywhere ,not just in the country) and reflect. It's nothing to do with anything ,other than you and the planet you live on.
Don’t get a chance to be bored, for example this morning I have run the day’s report for work, baked focaccia bread, made a tapenade, a edamame and quinoa salad and some butter tablet.
Will take the dogs out shortly before getting ready for a bbq with friends.
bored/boring doesn't just mean inaction though.....there are jobs which must be done which people find boring.....ironing springs immediately to my mind. Some people's conversation can be boring and inescapable....and I bet even Will Davies, who, by the way, wasn't talking about boredom but about "this busy life of care", could only so so much standing and staring.
So no, you are mixing up your concepts and I don't agree with you.
Well Woofgang, I don't find ironing boring,in fact I find it rather challenging,getting the right crease in the right place,using the correct temperature for the appropriate material,the pride felt when completing,for example,one of my best shirts,no, it's a challenge that requires commitment and application and patience and time to escape from the 'trials & tribulations' of modern life. So there.
Rarely bored, but sometimes anxious if I lack purpose.
I always feel sad that so many people have shopping as their main interest. I try to resist as much as I can, unless the items are going to keep me occupied for more hours than it took to buy them!
I enjoy shopping but don’t put it high on my list of interests , that would be socialising , I enjoy ironing too but don’t get great satisfaction from creases in the right place , more a case of a good job done and put away till the next time