Hi folks, I'm sitting in hospital since feeling unwell yesterday, I'm afraid I've had a heart attack and they are to do angiogram with posdibly stents or balloons. Anyone had this done, I'm understandably worrying!
I had a stent fitted in 2009, Dagman. It's a routine op during which you're wide awake. There is slight discomfort - perhaps a tad of apprehension, too (which is perfectly understandable). My main gripe was that I couldn't see the screen as it was side on to my position. I would have liked to have seen the stent being fitted.
My husband had a very serious heart attack 11 years ago, had a stent fitted and he is as fit as a fiddle now! in fact at 73 he is far fitter than he was at 62!
Try not to worry. It's a very common procedure.
I know quite a few others who have more than one stent and are fine!
Apc, I was shown a video of the procedure a couple of days before undergoing op. But, obviously, that was someone else's 'engineering', not mine. Not the same :-(
I did try adjusting my position a tad but one of the nurses must have taken this as a sign of my discomfort/apprehension because she came over, held my hand and asked if I was ok. Which was quite sweet of her :-)
hi dagman, sorry the hear this, but you'll be back on here tonight telling us it was a breeze I expect :) I haven't had one but have seen the procedure tens of times without hitch
Thankyou all so much for your encouraging replies, the attack was mild over a 11/2 hour period coming in waves every 10 mins or so. I felt sickly and dull ache in left arm. I'm in the right place but may be 2 or 3 days before I'm seen to. Thanks again, best wishes all.
Had a few stents in the aorta via the groin. Full anaesthetic. The angiogram,for some reason, has left me in severe discomfort to this day but that was prior to a quadruple heart by pass.
The stent procedure was a breeze. No worries. :-)
Such a common procedure, Dagman, that's why the 'waiting' time is quite lengthy. Had to wait (in hospital) 5 days for mine but was discharged the day after. Mine was through the wrist and afterwards they put a pressure dressing on which they come and regulate every so often, relieving the pressure gradually until they are satisfied that the bleeding has definitely stopped.
I find it hard to get past the operation success rate and posible outcomes the specialist told me, I know he had to broach that part of it, however, I imagine I will get a sedative of somekind and hope what they find is easily treatable. Thanks all.
My angiogram was through the wrists pre heart by pass. i was conscious and felt slight discomfort only when the jiggled the camera around.I did not feel the incision. This was about 2 years ago and I now have on going pain in my right wrist. No scars.
The aortic stents were delivered via my groin and I had a full anaesthetic. Both operations at St Georges Tooting. Big unrelated problems afterwards. AKI as a result of excess contrast dye during the procedure and 24 hours later when a CT was done to check the stents had not moved. Too much contrast and too soon. Result multiple visits to renal clinic. The stents are fine still and doing their job. :-)
my OH had a couple of stents put in years ago and is doing fine. It was to prevent a heart attack, not treat one, and you may be in the same position.
My OH watched it on screen too. No way I could do that. They tried to show me my intestines when they were doing some sort of oscopy years ago and I just told them to switch it off. I no more want to watch it than I want to watch a mechanic fix my car. Just get on with it.