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Body Pain

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jennyjoan | 13:18 Mon 27th Jul 2020 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
Could anybody explain to me that after a "supposedly restful night of sleep" - one wakens with pain in every part of the body.

This morning I woke up and I had cramps in my legs - the first in a long time.

Surely the body should be well rested?


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wish i could help JJ, woke the other morning and had cramp in both feet, suggest perhaps its what kind of sleep you are getting, mine isn't remotely restful.
I wake like that most days, you may think you have slept restfully but it's amazing how much we toss and turn and tense up too.
I get leg cramps most mornings. Mind you, at 75 I feel lucky just to have woken up.
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oh I know that Em and Mamy - my sleep is not at all restful but don't think I should have the pain I have in the morning. Sometimes feel like I have run a marathon.
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very funny SK - guess you are right LOL
I wake up quite often with cramps in my legs, sometimes feet. I find it happens less often if I have had an active day, especially if I have been for a walk.
I think its not moving that causes the pain. I ache less when i haven't slept well....and cramp, I find has nothing to do with rest or not but more about body chemistry
i too find it difficult to sleep, and that puts pressure on, i dream weird ones and they wake me up, tossing and turning doesn't help the body either.
Don't you suffer with joint pain anyway?
Been waking up with aches and pains for quite a few years now & gradually getting worse. Takes me an hour to get moving properly in a morning. Arthritis?

PS. I think I saw a recommendation to do some exercises on the bed before actually getting up.
ummmm, me? if so yes i do.
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gone are the days when I was working and literally jumped out of bed - of course the deaf alarm underneath the mattress helped - it vibrated so much.
Both of you I suppose.

Sleep will not cure pain. If it's there during the day it will still be there in the morning.
perhaps it just comes with age.
indeed ummmm, i get out of the house, but am struggling after a little while, things aren't what they used to be.
Morning pain and stiffness that gets better over the day sounds like rheumatoid arthritis
i have osteoarthiritis, and find that after an hour, and that's going some for me, i am completely useless, i have to go home and lie flat.
It's very common with osteoarthritis too or if you have any joint or muscle problems. Once you get going (if you can) it eases. Ì hate morning's!
from being pretty fit in my thirties and forties, i have found that its been downhill all the way into my mid sixties.
After 2-3 hard working days, exhausted I wake up with cramps and pain.

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