Crosswords3 mins ago
Prescription Error
25 Answers
I collected a prescription yesterday and started the medication.
Have been ill all day and very drowsy but assumed it was a new drug to me and it would settle.
Still feel off tonight and due next dose, checked the box and the dosage information is incorrect so I've been taking double the dose I should have.
Besides complaining to the pharmacy itself is there a governing body of similar I could complain to?
I collected a prescription yesterday and started the medication.
Have been ill all day and very drowsy but assumed it was a new drug to me and it would settle.
Still feel off tonight and due next dose, checked the box and the dosage information is incorrect so I've been taking double the dose I should have.
Besides complaining to the pharmacy itself is there a governing body of similar I could complain to?
https:/ /www.en gland.n ontact- us/comp laint/c omplain ing-to- nhse/
personally, I'd just have a word with the pharmacy.
personally, I'd just have a word with the pharmacy.
The prescription was electronic so I have no idea what it said but I'm 100% sure it didn't reccomend taking 28 tablets twice a day as per the label on the box.
Luckily I have some common sense and was taking two at every dose but still it was wrong and should have been one at every dose according to the leaflet. Will check with GP monday.
Luckily I have some common sense and was taking two at every dose but still it was wrong and should have been one at every dose according to the leaflet. Will check with GP monday.
A mistake, accident and human error can be rectified with an apology when you are charged twice for one item at the checkout.
Being prescribed the wrong dose by a pharmacist could cause very serious health problems and I would make a formal complaint in writing to NHS England. PO Box 16738. Redditch. B97 9PT. If you are in Scotland, Wales, N Ireland you will need to send it to the relevant authority.
Wait until you have spoken to your surgery to clarify the prescription that was sent. You should have received a paper copy and if you didn't - put that in the complaint, too.
Being prescribed the wrong dose by a pharmacist could cause very serious health problems and I would make a formal complaint in writing to NHS England. PO Box 16738. Redditch. B97 9PT. If you are in Scotland, Wales, N Ireland you will need to send it to the relevant authority.
Wait until you have spoken to your surgery to clarify the prescription that was sent. You should have received a paper copy and if you didn't - put that in the complaint, too.
// take 56 tablets per day?!//
here's an image of it in one dose. . .
https:/ / images/ search? view=de tailV2& amp;cci d=0iVqT EOc& ;id=4B3 F870B2F 3D224D8 366BEEF 09DED10 60A3373 DE& thid=OI P.0iVqT EOcC1fn JonTitB XrwAAAA &me diaurl= http%3a %2f%2fi .dailym uk%2fi% 2fpix%2 f2011%2 f09%2f0 3%2fart icle-20 33383-0 DB30196 0000057 8-596_4 68x514. jpg& ;exph=5 14& expw=46 8&q =giant+ medicin al+tabl et& simid=6 0800814 6215699 039& ;ck=0C4 3ADEEAE 2A84A88 61728D1 BDC5E07 7&s elected Index=1 4&F ORM=IRP RST& ;ajaxhi st=0
here's an image of it in one dose. . .
I think Lottie realised that instead of 28 tablets twice a day it should have read 'two tablets twice a day' and that is what she took. When she read the information leaflet she discovered the dose should have been 1 tablet twice a day,
It is possible that the dose of the tablet was half of the usual dose so the two twice a day would have been correct.
It is possible that the dose of the tablet was half of the usual dose so the two twice a day would have been correct.