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Smart Meters

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francish | 08:34 Thu 15th Oct 2020 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
had a letter today from my energy company e.on to install smart meters
can i refuse to have them


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That was done in pre determined whole sectors by the EB but not individual premises. A bit like a power cut in a sector where your neighbours across the road are still powered up.
I think "they" still have to keep a stock of dumb meters because not every house can have a smart one.
I stand corrected, thanks Woofy and Retro. xx
:-) xx Nite nite
"At least if they make a mistake and have to come to the door to cut you off you have got a chance to argue the case!"
no matter what kind of meter you have, you have a chance to argue your case in court in the long and protracted process that goes into cutting someone off.
Once there is a court order to cut you off (remotely or in person) there is no more arguing.
Since this question seems to have diverged into one about disconnection, a few salient facts might help.

Energy companies disconnecting a domestic supply for debt or non-payment is very rare. There are a number of classes of people who cannot be disconnected under any circumstances (it is actually unlawful for the supplier to do so). There is also another group who are eligible to join the "Priority Services Register" and the energy suppliers have signed up to a code of conduct which says they will not disconnect them in the winter months.

The "court order" is where it gets interesting with regard to remote disconnection. At present the supplier must apply to a Magistrates' Court for a warrant of entry. Before granting that warrant the Bench will be told the reason why entry is required and what the supplier intends to do when they get in. Almost always (in the case of debt) it is to fit a prepayment meter which will allow supply to continue. The meter will be set so as to recover the debt (i.e. it will charge more than the cost of the energy supplied). Applying for a warrant of entry to disconnect a domestic supply is extremely rare and would only be granted by the court in very exceptional circumstances and when they are satisfied that no other course of action is appropriate.

Of course to disconnect remotely no warrant of entry is required and the safeguards provided by the court to prevent that will not be available. I'm not yet aware of the process (if any) a suppler must go through before disconnecting a domestic supply by means of a Smart Meter. The same groups of people I mentioned above will still enjoy protection from disconnection and since the court process in granting a warrant of entry protects the consumer against over-zealous suppliers I imagine something similar will be in place to cover remote disconnection. I'll try to find out. Of course it's much easier to "accidentally" disconnect a supply remotely than it is to gain entry to premises for that purpose with a warrant.

//You can bet supply companies will be cutting late payer’s electricity remotely - court order or not (what do you think NJ, or anyone else will do for the poor ***?).//

Please see above.
I don't mind having a smart meter. Pity it doesn't work though.
i cant find it now but i think there is some legislation allowing energy suppliers to restrict your supply in certain zombie apocalypse type of scenarios anyway no matter what your meter
bednobs – I think you’ve been watching one too many ‘B’ Sci-fi movies.
Once the supply company accidently cuts your supply or the smart-meter develops a fault (switching off your supply) – good luck with recovering the cost of the spoilt food in your fridge/freezer from them.
well for zombie apocalypse i really meant "emergency" but not in agas leak type of emergency

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