...still hasn't popped. The infection has gone after taking the antibiotics but the tick head is still in there. I am bathing it with hot salty water and have had a go at squeezing it but all that happens is that the skin abrades and a clear fluid comes out. Yesterday, I resorted to a needle and tweezers but made a right mess and it's now very very sore sore.
Mum used to apply a hot kaolin poultice to draw boils etc. I used to watch it boiling in a pan with great fear and apprehension. It hurt, but it worked.
If I were you, I would go down to my local walk in centre. I had a tick embedded in my back and went to the chemist (mistake) The Pharmacist made a right hash of getting it out and left the mouth parts behind so I went down to the walk in centre and the nurse there sorted it out.
Bazile, you should read all the post. You never know when you might need lots of suggestions for removing bits of tick from your body. Ticks are everywhere!
Were you make up the poultice's with the raisins and the sultanas .... should it not work. Dont worry, it wont go to waste .. you are half way to making a chutney ?