Few Will Mourn Nhs England's Demise...
News1 min ago
When will people actually accept people of different skin colours? i mean for gods sake its the year 2005 and the world cannot live in peace with others who are different to them?
how can you possibly hate somebody because of their skin colour? somebody please explain!!
im sick and tired of hearing about race crimes and racial hatred in the uk and it seems that it is growing amongst the youth. i can see the view by when immigration took place decades ago in this country and it was the fear of the unknown, but when youve been brought up amongst different cultures and races where does the hatred come from?
we have to resolve this issue bring on peace!!!
No best answer has yet been selected by MINTED187. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Racism is rooted in fear and ignorance - in that order.
A lot of people are suspicious of people from other races and cultures, they fear the differences in appearence, which indicate a different lifestyle, and possibly language and religion.
Education is the only way forward - not helped by a jigoistic press banging on about 'our boys' (boys?!) in Iraq, and so on.
All we can do is raise our children in an atmosphere of curiosity, respect and tolerance, and hope that with time, these predjudices will be eradicated. Not in our lifetime, but the longest journey does begin with the first step.
i agree but how long does the 1st step take? it seems that rather than the issue being resolved there is an increase in AGGRESIVE hate crimes. i would love to talk to some racists and find out what they have to say on the matter and why they feel that way.
that would be a good way of seeing what the actual fear factor is and how we can begin to resolve it, by addressing those issues.
im just finding the whole matter really frustrating today!!!
im in my twenties and i certainly hope that there will be significant process in my lifetime
The first step may take a few more generations yet. Sadly, racism is learned in the home - racist adults have / had racist parents, so the system perpetuates.
My father was racist, not overtly, but he had a deep distrust of foreigners, as did a lot of his generation. I am not even remotely racist - the chain can be broken, but, as I said, it will take time.
Minted, your very first sentence of your question reads as though you think everyone is racist. Not everyone is racist, and not everyone teaches it to their children.
There has been a huge improvement over the last few decades. Can you not see that? Did you not just hear about Rosa Parks' death and see how far we've come?
Don't throw all people into the racist category.
Thanks, minted. It is just that because I am a white wealthy conservative male, many people assume automatically that I am racist. What does that make them? ;) I did not mean to sound so defensive.
But it is encouraging that we have made tremendous strides over the past few decades. There are different races sitting in the front of the bus, drinking out of any water fountain, attending any school, getting many jobs, marrying any race they want. We are much more open. Granted, and point well taken, we do have more work to do. But do take encouragement from the progress we have made.
minted, regarding your first post i would love to talk to you. I have been deemed a racist on here countless times.
Rather ironic insofaras i was married to a Rwandan lady (well still am, but it's a long story!!!!), am the secretary of Pensions for Gurkhas and come from a Jewish heritage (tho I am not a Jew!). Added to that most of my music is from a black origin, my children are mixed race, I have an ethnic tattoo, speak two foreign languages and have been to more overseas places than judith Charmers. but hey ho.
if there is a word called "Culturalist" as opposed to "racist" i will happily hold my hands up to it. but sadly there is not. I do not hate nor persecute any particular group but wholeheartedly admit to depising with the worst venom God gave me one (JUST ONE) particular religious group.
This is not out of "fear" or "ignorance", I am a very educated man and i am certainly not scared of them. It is bourne out of a deep seated fact that I and many others have witnessed first hand that this particular religion begats evil. Simple as that.
So my hatred comes from first hand experience. Real factual evidence.
GEF i think that my question may have been misinterpreted i can see how it looks as though i am raving on about how bad it is. i know as a twenty something eduacted british woman that there is plenty of integration and acceptance. what i am trying to put across is that there still some racists here which i am sure will always be here as the world cannot be perfect and i am just trying to understand why they have those views there are too many people getting defensive here, i am not accusing anyone here or even the whole of the uk of being racist.
its just a debate on views on racism not time to have A pop at my question!