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sandrajo | 12:48 Fri 02nd Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Has anyone been hypnotised for the fear of flying, if so did you think it worked?


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No but have tried it for competition nerves and it did make a big difference. I know of others who have tried it successfully too. I'd advise finiding a good hypnotist though, preferally by recommendation.

Good Luck

No but if you do makesure you think it works. I was held up at the airport by somebody who was too scared to get on the plane. We had to wait for somebody to get their bags off. Expensive flight/holiday for somebody who never used it. I wouldn't think it is covered by insurance either.
You have my real sympathy. I'm also one of those people who breaks out into a cold sweat before every flight. I really don't know what the answer is. For me it partly hinges about not feeling in control of my destiiny. The thought of the flight practically spoils the whole idea of the holiday for me - as soon as I've arrived I start to worry about the flight home! . And I even hate to walk to the loo whilst flying in my irrational fear that I might unbalance the plane. How sick is that? Good luck. Hope you find hypnotism works for you.
No, but my wife was terrified so I bought her a 1 hour flying lesson. Did the trick. Even to the extent that she went for a second one because she was so worried during the first one that she didn't get the full benefit from it!! No problem now. If you shop around, this solution could be cheaper than hypnosis and at least you can guarantee that the instructor is properly qualified (?)
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