South Manchester here too. My Dad is nearly 97 and he has had his first jab. A letter from his GP says they hope to do the second one at the beginning of March.
I had my first jab 17th Dec and my second 8th Jan. I feel very fortunate, but I have no idea why. I am 68, live in my own home, and the only underlying medical issue is Type 2 diabetes controlled by medicine and diet. I live in Wolverhampton, and even amongst my friends I only know a few who have had their first injection. I did not solicit the injection, my doctor's surgery rang me up and offered it.
Progress is very varied across the regions. Kent is doing well, as thats where the new variant started and their numbers are so high. Supply was focused on them in the beginning. Certain cities have it sorted too, while many of the more rural areas are still waiting on vaccine supplies and places to store them in the smaller surgeries.
I think I'm now going to get my second dose 12 weeks after my first dose as there is new and emerging evidence that extending the gap between doses increases overall long-term efficacy.
The other good news is that the Pfizer jab is up to 90% effective after just the first dose. I'm glad I didn't hold out for the Oxford jab.