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Good Morning Early People

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malagabob | 04:31 Sun 24th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Hope Boaty is well and all the early birds are well. First real snow of the year here this morning. You’ve possibly got it in the Malverns, Gloucester, Somerset and the West Country.


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Morning bob, no snow here just a heavy frost.
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Morning Tony. Just you and I about it seems.
Quiet here at the moment I'll pop back later.
Good morning, no snow here either, though very frosty.
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Morning Dave. Snow coming down a lot here. Could have 100cm if it carry’s on.
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Off for a cuppa. Be back later.
We have snow grrrr another week my veggie patch is put back and no social distance walk with my friend
Morning all....cold here, no snow - just managed to save the wood stove fire so that should be nicely in for the day now.... Test Match Special on in the background from Sri Lanka - it's lunch out there.
Good morning everybody.
Good morning shipmates. Can't see the weather from my hospital window, but I hope to see it for myself later of I get out :-)
My thoughts and best wishes go to the Captain who is also in dock, and poor McMinty suffering again from long Covid.
Hope they're both better very soon.
I'm just going for six latest posts.
Ignore me.
morning all xx a wee quick look in..on the mend but still confined to bed for a day or two I think...
morning everyone. dark and tons of sleet here. no snow, no frosts just not very nice out there.
nice to see you Minty.
How is Jen Tonyv?
morning Lady xx peeped out the window and a very heavy frost again....still tucked up so not going anywhere anyway...
Sounds like the best place for you Minty.

Was going to tell you, Boaty and TL to stop shirking and get better but might be taken the wrong way so I'll not. Just stay safe and get well.
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Stopped snowing here about 6am. It is thawing, can see the drips. Hope the temps don’t plummet..
I enjoy a good shirk LJ :-)
Of course you do TL especially if you've a good drink to go with it.
Would say I'd join you but I'm not that keen on being in hospital; don't think the bed would be big enough for both of us and; have promised to forsake alcohol for January. Never mind the thoughts are there.
morning all

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Good Morning Early People

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