Fag packet idea, extending school hours, hissing about with school holidays, no thought for parents working hours, not to mention teachers working longer hours for the same pay, and the darker winter months. A why the ruddy hell is Gavin Williamson getting involved with the NHS 1% rise? can't Boris face the storm again.
Webb, I look ahead, regarding the winter months, something the government are unable to do it seems, the lighter few weeks won't be in any way long enough to catch up at whats been lost.
I don’t think the kids are as far behind as everyone is fearing. My children have done a shed load of actual work, hours everyday, and I wouldn’t mind betting that they’ve done more work than if they had been in school (no time lost to busy work, brainstorming, moving in between lessons, no non curriculum days, no school trips, etc).
i agree with sherrad - i dn't think it will be needed as much as people fear. Some children will have done more than in school, some will be the same and some will have dropped down - those that were destined not to give a monkey's about exams etc anyway. those that want to catch up probably are the ones that dont need to, and those that don't want to wont, no matter what's in place
If each minister did their own job, instead of having to cover for Boris each time the sh*** hits the fan they may stand a chance of coming up with better ideas.