Met up outside with one friend , we talked and laughed and it felt 'normal' we stopped off for a takeaway coffee which we sat on a bench to drink , it's been a beautiful Spring day , thoroughly enjoyed today
It's nice and good to get outside and socialise Bobbi, will be doing similar tomorrow, not sure it will be 13,000 steps, don't have any gadgets, might count mentally though.
Yes we are Bobbi, I started self isolating in Jan last year, because of Jens vulnerability if I caught anything and brought it home, but it's nice to get out and about again. Not sure what I'll do when Jen gets discharged from hospital.
Thanks Bobbi and Smow, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. I think Jen will be better at home, but will be a day or two before she gets discharged.
Bednobs all the medical experts have said it's better to let toes self amputate. i.e. They will fall off when they are ready and will leave sealed skin.