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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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LadyCG | 12:14 Fri 16th Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
1. It's Friday
2. My new kitchen, utility and media unit will be fitted in 4 weeks' time.
3. I've found the perfect corner sofa, dining set and lighting.
4. It's going to be glorious this weekend.
5. It's my anniversary soon and we always spoil each other.

What are your reasons to be cheerful?


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It's a beautiful day
I'm going to relax and do some pebble painting
I've lost 4-5 lb on my diet!
my grandsons 17th Birthday, the sun is shining, going to theirs for coffee and cake later , or maybe Prosecco and cake?
lcg, it's all going good for you now x
well done Patsy x
well done Patsy I've lost 4 lb myself. Reason to be cheerful :-)
Well done to you too, Arky..
You skinny devil... :-)
None at the moment
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Pebble painting sounds very relaxing!

Prosecco and cake sounds better, Bobbi :-)
I’m easily swayed to that lcg, ( well it is Friday after all :0))
Question Author
We're being good now until a week tomorrow. We're going to a Greek Restaurant for our Anniversary. Enjoy the cake and prosecco!
Thank you Patsy, I've being called many things, but never a skinny devil :-)

Congrats LGC... all awesome
Just having a regular day here, working but concentration is waning.

It's my nans 90th on Sunday so having a family do in the garden. Hope it doesn't rain.
Ohhh I love a Greek Mezi’s , enjoy
1) I am almost up to date with work so I can have a weekend away from the PC.
2) The garden is looking fabulous but it is like painting the Forth Bridge

Reason to be less than cheerful

1) I have hardly done any housework for several weeks and the place is a midden so I shall spend most of the weekend cleaning and cooking.
2) I forgot to order prosecco.
3) The chickens I am looking after are evil little *******. Six of them escaped their pen yesterday evening and decided they would rather roost in the wood with the foxes. They are terminally stupid. I do not like chasing chickens round a field at 10.30.
^^^^ lol!
Son and his pregnant wife are coming for the weekend.
Can’t wait for the baby to arrive in December.
My dog remains unkicked.
My piles are under control.
The dog's fleas are almost gone.
Hoping to get shi****ed tomorrow night and anoy the neighbours.
My mate Danny says he's gonna show me some pics of his Mrs.
Barmaid you should get a cleaner, you are worth it. My cleaners are just away.They made me cheerful . !!! Sorry you feel ‘ rough’ ummm.
1. The building work at JtH Towers has finally finished
2. We plan to sit in our walled private area in the glorious sunshine over the weekend.
3. I have wrangled a knotty Planning Application which has earned me tremendous goodwill and oodles of additional projects. I am not sure if that's a good thing just yet....
4. My Dad's health anomalies seem to have been sorted out by the fitting of a pacemaker.
5. Mrs JtH is finishing work early today......and drink may be taken. :o)
Anne, I know! We did have one but he stopped at the first lockdown and he doesnt do it anymore. We were going to get someone in once we got the house straight. We havent really got the house how we want it yet and we still have a "Room of Doom" which is full of boxes. We have tended to put most effort into the garden since we spend as much time outside as possible; I just need to pull my finger out!

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