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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 03:48 Tue 27th Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
morning everyone, its another early start, i have been awake for a while.
i hope that you are all in good spirits, not the gin type, lol, and that your day
goes well.

i have an extremely busy day ahead as i have a technician coming to assemble my
console table, and charity collectors hopefully picking up some of my furnishings, plus
two courier deliveries and a doctors appointment which is all in one day, so if i disappear
early its because of those reasons.


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no idea what happened to the typing its gone skewwhiff, sorry about that....
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Its taken me two days to get the balcony clear of water after the floods on sunday, it has no outlet, no drain to go down, so mop and brush had to do. I don't want people treading dirty water through the flat, which is what i was worried about. It seems to have done the trick unless it rains again, which i hope it doesn't.
Morning Emmie xxx. A balcony with no drain, not good!
I've got a busy day too, some shopping for when friends come later in the week. I'll phone them later to see if they can pin down a day.
Try not to overdo it. ;o}
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morning WBM, how are you this morning
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its the way the council laid the rubbing matting on the balcony and relaid the concrete as it doesn't drain the water at all - so it collects in large pools, and with the monsoon on sunday, it was under three inches of water.
So so, Could be better, could be worse.
I have a groin strain, which is letting me know all about it! :o{
Morning guys!!
Is your council staffed by monkeys?
Morning smow xxx How are you? It seems ages since we chatted!
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that's not good boaty, how did you do that, or shouldn't one ask,
yes the council are a bunch of cowboys..

morning smow.
I’ve been messaging you non stop WMB lol but nothing seems to get read ! X
It comes and goes Emmie. How it originated I have no idea. :o{
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i didn't exactly plan this day well at all, but its just when everyone can do their thing, like charity collectors, their van broke down last thursday when they should have made a pick up, so am hoping they turn up today.
doctors app was arranged yesterday as I have swollen ankles, and puffy feet, which need someones attention....
I haven't seen any smow, I'll investigate. You've got my phone number though.
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then you have to take it easy boaty, no lifting stuff that's heavy.......
That sounds painful Emmie.
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it is boaty, painful to walk right enough, getting to the docs will be a trial i know...
I do try to Emmie, I have friends coming later in the week. I hope it's at least a bit better by then. They don't know it, but I'm taking them to The George in Cambridge for lunch. That's the Cambridge in Gloucestershire.
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that's great boaty, i am sure you will have a wonderful time, i know you like this particular place.
I did something really REALLY stupid lastnight! I left my iPad out in the garden, on the garden table ALL NIGHT. Thank god it didn’t rain!! Have never ever done that before!!

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