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Recurring Dreams

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nailit | 22:08 Sat 31st Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Random or meaningful?

I have recurring dreams of been either shot in the back (and dying)
Or threatened to be shot in the front (and waking up)

Obviously I wake up either way,
But these dreams are unnerving...


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Both, imv. Means nothing- except what is on your mind, what you have seen, heard, read, thought... dreams can be very unnerving when they are vivid.
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One thing I found, which I hadn't realised really- is that because it is only a small part of your brain that can dream... there is another part that is genuinely surprised by what you dream. It has no idea- maybe why it can be so unnerving...
When unpleasant dreams occur they can prey on your mind and that brings them back to the fore - it can sometimes become a vicious circle.
If I haven't eaten well I dream about food and it always makes me feel sick.

If I haven't done some housework I dream about cleaning but I keep dropping everything.
I don't think they're random - they don't just descend from heaven, they come from something that's in or on your own mind. They might be literal or metaphorical. Only you can say whether your fears of being shot have some physical basis in the real world, or whether they symbolise something else
//“Death in dreams is really about some kind of change or ending you’re dealing with in your real life,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, professional dream analyst. “The subconscious will show us this change in the form of a death so we can better understand the finality of it. We can let go of that which we no longer need so we can grow and embrace that which is coming.”//
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Give it a rest, nailit, you’re a self confessed alcoholic who’s posted a question about strange dreams and you asking whether they’re meaningful. Sheesh.
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Whether I have drink problem or not, am I not entitled to ask a question here?
Or do I have to be as perfect as you?
I’m in no way perfect and you’re obviously entitled to post anything you like. Just the same as I’m at Liberty to postulate that your dreams are drug induced.
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Why you feel the need to postulate that my dreams are drug induced god only knows, but there you go. Crack on.
'Crack on' Lol....suitable phrase.
they sound like the sort of dreams that sober people have too. Anyway, there's something about drinking and dreaming here
The description 'professional dream analyst' always makes me smile. Bit like 'clairvoyant'. Not ALL dreams have to mean something. Some are just random, jumbled up images flashing through our subconscious as we sleep that make no sense whatsoever.
The weirdest dream i ever had was one in which i had gone to the races, but instead of horses lining up, giant frogs were entering the stalls, complete with jockeys on their backs. Instead of handing money over to the bookies, we punters were handing trifles over and if we won, we would receive multi coloured balloons. After each race, the competing frogs would be led not to stables, but to a large pond in the centre of the course, replete with lily pads.
I await the analysis.
Because you’re a self confessed alcoholic and I thought it may have a profound bearing on your dreams.
I often dream that I'm walking around the supermarket and then realise that I'm naked or at least half-naked and then I feel embarrassed and self-conscious. It's always a relief to wake up from that one.

My other recurring dream is being pursued by someone murderous and whilst I try to rub my legs feel weighted down.

And one dream I've had many times through my life is being able to fly but I can never maintain altitude and eventually I end up lying face down on the ground but when I'm soaring in the beginning it's an amazing feeling.

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