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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:49 Sun 31st Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
157 Answers
morning - Sunday already, where has this week gone. I hope that you are all well, or as good as can be. I wonder how many remembered to put the clocks back as i did last night, i still have some to do, but will do that later on today. No plans as such for the day, i must do some tidying up which has been left for a time, dusting mostly and get the vacuum out, such an interesting life i lead..........


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Well you know I’m here lol, difference being in that I haven’t been to sleep yet! I came to bed with some pain relief and my iPad - that was 6 hours ago!
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morning smow
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try and get some sleep smow, it's a beneficial aid to help your pancreatitis. I slept when i could then, but after three months felt much better.
I am tired, it’s because I keep going cold and then hot. I have a ceiling fan on, as I am so hot under the duvet my skin is literally wet, but the second I throw the duvet back I am freezing within seconds.I’ve tried turning the fan on but feel even worse. Going to try and find a sheet instead I think
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are you of an age to have the peri menopause or menopause, as that can seriously disrupt your sleeping habits. I found myself getting hot then cold, threw off the duvet, and ended up with the realisation that it was the menopause in my mid to late forties.
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try and sleep for a bit, it will help in your recovery.
It may well be, but I didn’t think it would be this bad? Maybe it isn’t helping. Have you slept at all?
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i have slept for a while, went to bed early and slept for about 5 hours, i have had some more sleep and now quite wide awake.
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have you spoken with a sympathetic GP about your sleeping habits, i suggest that some of what you are going through could well be the menopause. Going hot and cold is one of the things that drove me mad.
I think a major part of me struggling to recover/ rest, as I’ve been told to, is that I feel so utterly useless. Mr Smow is running his own company, working all the hours god sends, training new staff, or else he is out consulting, and I’m basically resting on sofa. I’m pottering trying to do bits and pieces but absolutely nothing compared to what I should be or usually do. Even standing trying to cook is doing me in completely. As for driving, well they said to avoid for a while incase I have another pain spasm whilst behind the wheel. Think I’m going to attempt an online food shop today and at least get some easy to throw in oven things.
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don't feel useless, your body is telling you to rest and that is what you must do. As to your o/h, he understands i expect and that's all that one can ask. Don't drive as that as you say can make things worse.
on line shopping is the way to go for now, i do it every week, and mostly get what i need.
I’ve just tried to book a slot with Morrison’s but can’t get one for a few days, so going to try someone else.
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try sainsburys see if they have
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Ok, will do.x
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admittedly they have messed up the last three orders, and turning up very late on two of those orders, but i will still use them.
Good morning ladies, hope today is a nice day for you both
Can get slot with Sainsbury’s tomorrow. Always used to use Morrison’s but lately it’s become a nightmare to book a slot here
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morning 1ozzy
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that's good smow, sainsburys is always my go to shop, i have a saver card which allows me to book anytime.

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