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Listener 4687 - Best Practice By Ares

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upsetter | 18:57 Fri 26th Nov 2021 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Great fun evoking happy memories of one's youth.


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This left me with a smile on my face when I finished. I remember Ares’ last puzzle (4633) involved a trivial grid fill followed by an interminable grid stare, and I feared the same with this one after solving the clues quite quickly. It took a while to find the version of what the instruction suggests that agreed with the preamble, but once I had it there was no ambiguity.

For me, the primary requirement of a Listener is that it’s fun, and this certainly was. Thanks Ares.
Nice and straightforward after last week's assault and battery (which I only completed yesterday with pencil, paper and calculator only).

Thanks, Ares.
Thanks Ares, that was a fun way to spend an evening!

I'm pretty sure what to submit, but I see some ambiguity in the preamble. I guess there's only one way to find out :-)
I agree Hawk, the quote leads to an obvious (and I think unambiguous) solution, but that does jar with a small part of the preamble. I'm inclined to go with the quote.
Yep, follow the instruction! A very pleasant way to fill an evening while the storm rages
Nice gentle puzzle and a mercifully brief gridstare - thanks Ares for a pleasant hour or so on a wild and windy Saturday.
Thanks Ares. I have enjoyed working on this today even if 4 clues in the NW corner have defeated me and I don't understand the instruction.
Suddenly had a PDM. Amusing solution.

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Listener 4687 - Best Practice By Ares

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