morning, Wednesday already, the days are rolling by, i hope you are all fine and have a good
day whatever you may have planned. I doubt whether I shall be doing much today, the weather has been atrocious and there is more to come apparently. I will be calling the MSK clinic to see the results of my blood test and X Ray to see what they can suggest as possible treatment for the future. I just hope its not only physio, though i guess it depends on what shows up.
I am somewhat earlier than normal on here, i hope that someone is awake enough to keep me company, if not i will just talk to myself lol. i have coffee on the go, which will keep me warm for a while.
I took my iPad to bed and tried to sleep, I really did, but far too much on my mind, nothing terrible, just lots to think about. Think I managed to doze off for an hour about 2.30am but that’s it lol. I’m tossing and turning so much that I’m disturbing mr smow so I’ve crept into spare room for a bit!
that's not good smow, still if you didn't want to disturb your o/h then that's understandable. I am wide awake after sleeping from early evening, though with a couple of breaks - but glad of the company, i expect 1ozzy is around someplace and will pop in.
Yes I’ve just seen 1ozzy on the ASHES thread in SPORT.
Silly thing is I was/am tired as I deliberately wake up/get up at the same time as mr smow every morn8ng when his alarm goes off, with the plan that if I feel tired later in the day then I will go for a lie down, but of course I never do!
No Ive gone past sleep now - I’ll wait for his alarm to go off at 7am, see him off to work and then if I can I’ll try and get an hour then. But apart from that I need to go and pick up a parcel which one of my sons girlfriends has send to a local collection point which apparently has our Xmas present in. I also need to order a few more presents online, and make a few phone calls. And the dreaded housework lol