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edwinsieg1971gm | 07:12 Sat 18th Dec 2021 | Family & Relationships
11 Answers
I've been using crack ever since I was 19y/o been to prison 5 times for a total of 19 years...but I'm looking for some help through reddit and all you people. I'm not and everyday user I can go months without it, but then someone mentions it and i HAVE to have it... can someone tell me why?? its causing lots of problem with me and my girlfriend.... i worship the ground she walks on we've been together 2 years and in 2 years I've messed up and used like 15 times and ever time she finds out, she's kicked me out several times but always takes me back when its good its good... i don't want to hurt her she really is my everything... can anyone please HELP ME??? I've been to treatment and it doesn't help it only takes my out of the world and away from the ones that I truly love.... PLEASE HELP ME!!!

BY the way I'm 50 y/o now..


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If you haven't learnt the art of self-control or how to get your priorities right by your age I doubt you ever will, sadly.

You could try to avoid the people who "mention" it
i tend to agree with Lcg, its late in the day for you to sort your life out, no one can do it for you. Rehab seems the best option for you, give it another go why don't you, you are too old to be playing with people's lives this way, your g.f doesn't deserve what you are putting her through.
You probably need to get away from all your old haunts and 'friends'. You are surrounded by reminders of your old ways. Finding safe ways to satisfy the addiction centres in your brain might help a new hobby or interest that totally absorbs you might help. Preferably something that gets you into fresh air and exercise. You also need to change the part of your mindset that allows for the possibility of relapsing, you don't yet believe you can do it, I wonder if hypnotherapy might help.

I believe everyone has it in them to make permanent change, but it is hard and it takes support.
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I really empathise with you - I have a close young relative in prison for drug offences at this very moment.

Am I right in thinking you don't do much in the way of exercise?

Try to understand not only what you are doing to those around you, but what you are doing to your own mind & body, & decide to put those things to rights.

Simplest of all would be jogging, and/or you could for example go to a sports centre, maybe find there a personal trainer to help you get your body back in shape, if you could only start to feel fitter you might gain the self-confidence to continue & improve. You would also meet a different kind of person than you are probably mixing with now.

Get a bike and set yourself a modest target of so many miles a day increasing as you gain fitness. I can assure you that once you start to feel better your own self-respect which is probably pretty low will grow, success breeds success, you're only 50, decide now how you want to be by the time you're 55 & I'm sure it wont be back in prison (or even dead!).

You will not kick an addicition by exchanging messages with strangers.

You need proper counselling, via your doctor.
AH ; //You will not kick an addicition by exchanging messages with strangers.//

Some of the "strangers" of whom you speak may be more qualified to give advice that you could possibly know.
Khandro - // AH ; //You will not kick an addicition by exchanging messages with strangers.//

Some of the "strangers" of whom you speak may be more qualified to give advice that you could possibly know. //

It has nothing to do with the advice, or not, of the strangers concerned, it's the format - kicking addicition needs a lot more than chatting with straners, however much they may 'know'.
Rowans first 2 sentences say it all. You need to remove yourself from those things that remind you of something you are still mentally and physically addicted to. Think in terms of a fresh start if that is possible. If you can't relocate, then avoid completely any and all reminders. Stay away from anyone who might mention it.
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