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Dumping By Text

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LadyCG | 16:21 Thu 30th Dec 2021 | Body & Soul
53 Answers
After 6 months of seeing her fella, my colleague dumped him today by text message.

It made me wonder, is it cruel to end a relationship by text or would you prefer to be let down this way?

He was incredibly nice about it, text her back and wished her well ... he said he had a feeling it was coming. She went skipping out of the office heading for the supermarket to buy some wine and toast her freedom. That's it, done and dusted via SMS!

What do you think about this method of ending a relationship?


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I think she was right to do it this side of NY. It would be cruel to let someone start a New Year thinking there was a future in something. I'd rather end a year on a bad note than start a brand new one with such a blow.

I'm not surprised she ended the relationship, there were a lot of things I wouldn't have tolerated as long as she had done. That said he was a lovely man from what I could discern and he took it very well and responded in a gentlemanly manner.

I think I still would have waited though and spoke to him over the phone later when the young lad was in bed. I think she had a bee in her bonnet this morning and had to get it over and done with.
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Same here Pat - no texts in them days but I called round unexpectedly at my girlfriends house one morning to find her bosses car parked in the driveway - it had been there all night (covered in ice)!
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I’ve never been dumped nor have I ever dumped on someone , I was stood up once though, I was broken hearted and stopped in my room all night crying , that should of been an omen that I should of took notice of ;0(
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It was never going to work. Turns out he was impotent and she is by her own admission "a bit of a slapper".

I just can't understand why she didn't do it sooner. The guy has quite a few problems (I only found out about the impotency today but I've known about the other problems for a while). I think she should have put him out of his misery sooner.

I've never dumped anyone by text and probably never would, unless I thought they might react in a volatile manner but I guess she had no choice today.

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Hardly, Ellipsis, I think that was actually the least of her concerns. He'd got some pretty serious negatives about him and she's known for some time that it was not going to work. I'm surprised it lasted 6 months.

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Maybe he was only impotent with her?

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