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Do You Think Losing Friends Anc Acquaintances Can Have Some Bearing On Your Mental Heslth

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Bobbisox1 | 13:43 Mon 10th Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
125 Answers
I’ve always been a glass half full person but lately I’m feeling very down , I have lost quite a few people only in the last few months and another a year ago through COVID , I’d think it’s around 6/7 of my friends and acquaintances have passed away within a short time of one another, I’m looking at my own mortality more at 75,something that would never have entered my head only a few months ago , does anyone else feel the last two years have taken their toll on us?


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You're right, Bobbi. I recall disagreeing with friends over children missing school. My feeling was that they have years to catch up. We don't. At our age this is taking away a huge chunk of the good life we have left to enjoy and sadly that has happened to some we know who haven't made it through to better times. The way things are looking here it's too easy to start...
14:03 Mon 10th Jan 2022
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That’s what you get for drinking on a very empty tummy,hurling down the toilet
Bobbi, I didn’t realise the extent of your health worries. Sending you a massive hug xx
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Smow I’ve enjoyed good health but this time I’m worried x
Sorry to hear this Bobbi. I know exactly how you must be feeling and can empathise. I hope all goes well. I've had several scares, and worried myself sick. I'll be rooting for you. Chin up. Xx
Bobbi, just to say my lovely grandad had bowel cancer back in the 60s. He was 72. He died in his 90s!! Old age, nothing to do with the cancer!! And things have improved medically since 60 years ago! Hopefully your results will be ok though.
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I’m feeling more positive today Pat and I’ve had tremendous support on here too, I hope Mrs Cheese has seen it , not being troublesome saying that but if she has it might change her mind about CB, I hope so
Hi Bobbs. We are thinking of you. Yes, the last 2 years have been pretty awful. All the TV ads don't help, funeral plans and the like.

As an old pal used to say, "If you wake up in the morning, you are in with a chance"
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I very much doubt I’d have put it out there only I’d had a drink , too much tbh, all on an empty stomach which ended up me being sick, a very silly and irresponsible thing to do, find solace in the bottom of a glass, it’s still there the next morning only it has a headache to go with it :0(
Bobbi I've posted on your Sqad thread. I have never done those routine tests detect blood because I have bowel issues that are likely to show blood!
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Okay Pat , I’ll take a look, thank you x
You're right Bobbie,sometimes every time we go out we seem to get more bad news,luckily we've also had alot of good news to balance it as the younger members of the family have been at it like rabbits and have produced a whole new generation.Two of my nieces are already planning a get together (for when we can get together again)so we can get to meet all the new family.
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Paddy you could be right , I bet there’s a baby boom like there was in the 60s but then it was the Summer of Love , now it’s The Covid-Baby -Boom
There was a baby boom too when you and I were born Bobbi, just after the war when all the troopscame home. I had to wait an extra year before starting school in London because of huge numbers. Fortunately my mother taught me to read and write and basic arithmetic, so they jumped me up a year half way through my first year at school.
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That’s so true Pat and would be worthy of a new thread ( to stop me thinking )
Go on then! There seem to be a lot of us in our age group!! A new category perhaps. 'Old Fogies'? ;0)
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Haha, that’s us Pat , I prefer to be called ‘vintage ‘ though
Oh Bobbi I've just seen this thread. Remember my lung cancer scare in Dec 2019? Well I'm praying you get the same result as I did. Keep strong lovely. xxx
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Thank you LB, I will xx
I had a lung cancer scare 20 years ago Ladybirder. After scans and biopsies it turned out I had what is commonly called pigeon fanciers lung! I am allergic to pigeons, parrots and chickens!! We had cocketeils so they had to go. Good job they investigated because you can die from it!! Its left me with scarring but nothing serious.
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I’m alleging to that lot too Pat, oh hang on, Noo, I’m scared witless of them :0(
Pleased they found out what was wrong though

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