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Dressing Problems.

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William51 | 09:03 Sun 24th Apr 2022 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Probably being stupid but here goes. Do you have problems sometimes when dressing, especially when going out?. I can try things on and then think are not clean, take them off and try something else. Decisions can sometimes be a nightmare. Comments please.


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I might buy something new (just for a change) but I never feel comfy in it so I end up wearing something I've had for years.
09:40 Sun 24th Apr 2022
Yes but maybe in a different way. When going out for an evening I will often decide early in the day what I'm going to wear and be happy but when it comes to getting ready and I put it on I think I look fat or not as expected. The bedroom then gets covered in different clothes, I'm always late and often not happy with how I end up looking.
so do you put dirty clothes back in the wardrobe?
Clothes I've worn go straight in the washing bin - never back in the wardrobe - but when I'm getting dressed I do tend to try things on and change my mind quite a lot.
I might buy something new (just for a change) but I never feel comfy in it so I end up wearing something I've had for years.
Less outfits less choice .Try like me cutting it down to 8/9 number them right .change numbers daily then pick a random number say 27 and wear that wan .Simple
Tshirt, jeans, fleece, trainers unless for a wedding or funeral.

No problems.
selecting a fresh pair of underpants on the first of the month creates a minor dilemma
...and do you put the worn ones back in the drawer, Ael?
nooo, they won't fold after a month's wear . . .
They can be fashioned into a 'house of cards' pyramid as a conversation piece though.
Not really answering you question, but I must say one of the best things about being retired is not having to look smart everyday. My ex colleagues would not recognise me now. It's jeans, leggings, shorts T shirts and sweatshirts now. One or two smart outfits left for " special occasions", nothing that would have to be dry cleaned.

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