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Hello all you very kind people.
Today almost as soon as I arrived the Dr appeared asking to have a word later. He had a meeting first.
Meantime I tried to persuade my husband to take few sips of soup he had been left for lunch. 3 sips and he shook his head, no more. I tried again after a little break but again he refused..saying I'm going die anyway so why do I want to eat!
Later i managed to feed him a tiny pot of jelly. Took a while but he did manage it.
Chat with Dr was ok. He is very young (aren't they all when were old) and very nice. I'm still not 100% of the process for moving from hospital to nursing home but it comes from the NHS continuing care. Once the request is made by the Dr it sets the system into action. Tomorrow the GP and others in the know about his condition go through a checklist assessment to pass, proving H fits the criteria. As it fully funded by the NHS they naturally only use the service when other avenues are searched. In our case I'm pretty ancient and have my own physical disabilities gives us ahead start.
I am hoping its offered via a local nursing home, if not I shall ask to wait til there is a local vacancy. I don't know that's even possible but no harm in asking.
He seemed quite depressed today, a few swear words even..ringing bells that rarely get answered is a big gripe among the lucid patients..
He asked me what I was having for tea..just something from the freezer. He said I wish I was there with you.. oh my, I wanted to scoop him up and take him home. I made the mistake to tell him the flower put by our door and window box are starting to look very pretty...I shall never see them he said..
Worst of all he needed attention from the nurses who rolled him on his side to get to his bottom end..I got the full picture of his weight loss. The hip he fell on is still black and blue..sticks right out tummy a sunken hollow. Legs just bones with thin almost translucent cover.
It's good to write it down. Seems to relieve my feelings letting it all out.
Thank you all again..keep those prayer coming..ideally to end this awful time for a man that has loved life and his family in a quiet unassuming manner. Never asked for much in his life, would give you his last penny. He has suffered enough. He deserves to beat peace and not shunted around to another "home" to end his days. Thankyou. X