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Massages/Sports Injuries Massages

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jennyjoan | 14:44 Sat 11th Jun 2022 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I am having dreadful pains throughout the pain - knees and shoulders of which have been broken over the years.

Goes for the first time to Sports Massage girl yesterday and she was brilliant (I am sore but that's to be expected).

Has told me my left arm that I haven't been able lift to high size for years - is frozen shoulder and should have been dealt with many years ago.

When I lie down I can get this bad arm to go full stretch and so she has said I will get there.

Point I';m making all these years I was going for massages costing me £60 or £70 and doing me no good when I should have been going for injuries. The lady just charged me £35 for over an hour - doesn't want to see me for another two weeks as she wants me to do my exercises so that she can see some improvement. If I can get my arm lifted I'll be over the moon.



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You must have very long arms in that case jj :)

Seriously, I am glad you can see improvement already - what a delight for you. Steady as you go with the exercises though, good luck.
Thats great news. I was charged £45 for an hour for what I thought was a pulled muscle which turned out to be an arthritic hip. Keep going with the exercises you should get there.
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well one of the exercises I have to do - is lie down and hold a yard brush and hold on with two arms and swing bad arm as far back as I can. I'll probably end up with one arm longer than the other knowing me LOL

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