Hi, i'm Milo, the guy in Ken's avatar. He's otherwise engaged at the moment but he foolishly left his laptop on and i have just read the following story. Now don't get me wrong, Ken's not a bad master when it comes to treats and walkies, etc, but he doesn't quite wait on me hand and foot. Those two fillies in the Royal household will have their own lackeys, who will have to jump whenever they're barked at, will have to play 'ball' whenever one is produced in front of them, and who will have to scratch Bluebell and Beth's arisses whenever they get a tad itchy.
I bark at Ken to be fed and he looks at his watch and shakes his head - such a stickler for 'feeding time' (i blame the army). I get one of my tennis balls and eagerly wag my tail at him but he mostly ignores the signs. So i drop it on his laptop; he just shakes his head and continues to study the racing form. And as for my itchy ariss, i have to slide along the carpet to scratch it. Quite embarassing - especially when we have visitors.
Why can't i live in a big, fancy gaff. Some dogs have all the luck.