There is a guy in my class with ADHD who is very...physical to say the least, laughs really loudly, touches everyone e.t.c. I'm very uncomfortable with him touching me, even as a guy. Not to mention, he is way too clingy, as I'm the only one who talks to him on an almost daily basis he sees me as a friend and is always around me. As much as I am honored that he sees me as a friend its too touching, noise and he makes the same joke over and over again, he has been saying the same "my dad hates me" stuff since a month ago every five minutes with at least ten swearwords a sentence. people have told him off a lot but he continues, not to mention as I'm the only one that talks to him all the teachers think I'm his friend and always force me to team up with him since nobody else wants to. He is a nice guy, he just doesn't respect boundaries or listen to anyone when they tell him stuff. Is there a way to tell him to back off without seeming rude?
Have a chat with your head of year if you have one, or the person responsible for pastoral care at your school or college - they should be able to offer some guidance and support.
You need to have a talk with a member of staff at school, whether it's your form teacher or another member of staff. This is a difficult situation. Because of his confition he will have little control and you need help with him.