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Glad it was ok for you Vagus, always good to read. x
"We" had 3 phone calls this week:
1) Locum GP for 32 minutes where I had a frank discussion with him (politest way I can put it) but I did get more meds agreed - I have to pick them up today.
2) Co-ordinator for an operation at a new hospital, some 50 miles away. He was a wonderful person to deal with, kind and very understanding, has given us a further 6 weeks for recovery from last hospital admission.
3) Consultant for the cancer - brilliant lady who is also very kind, attentive and understanding. Couldn't ask for anyone better.
All in all it has been busy but I am pleased with the results achieved.
I have good support from my closest friends which keeps me going through the hard times - one should never under-estimate good friends, bless 'em all :)