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weecalf | 13:45 Thu 02nd Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
A question in an interview for janitor post was , which place in the building would you think was most important that it kept clean and tidy .He said toilets would you agree or would you have said somewhere different .


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Depends on what type of building it was and what activity took place there.
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I would have given the same answer, then immediately added "closely followed by the head's study." :-)
A very reasonable answer. Or one might choose the kitchens if they had a canteen.

But of course the boss' office is quite important, as is the reception where visitors gt their first impression of the organisation.

Unless it was janitor for the hospital, which may make a difference.
I think I'd agree with toilets.
Yes because no matter what building it is - reputation is built on the state of your toilets.
I'd have said, in order - toilets, kitchen, changing areas.
one old inspector said: the only thing you need do is inspect the bog next the main entrance -
and the state of that will tell you what else you will find on the inspection
'When researchers tested 1,000 sponges and dishcloths from kitchens, they found 10 per cent contained salmonella.

Even more shockingly, each square inch contained 134,630 bacteria – that’s 456 times the amount on a toilet seat!'
Reception , then toilets, then stairwells, because they will be fire escapes.Kitchen staff may well be responsible for keeping it clean and tidy.
I might have said 'Why not ask the cleaners?'
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Cleaning was part of the job I think or they would not have asked
I would say "surfaces" and ask what they think.
Ah, I see, things have moved on since I was at school where the janitor was in charge of sawdust pail to absorb vomit and ringing the bell at set times.
He may also have laid out/stacked chairs for events and jamborees.
Kitchen. The bog might be spotless but the kitchen bathed in mice droppings.
Things have changed, every time I had anything to do with schools that had kitchens, the kitchen staff were responsible for cleaning the kitchen on a daily basis with a deep clean during the holidays.
Yeah...but surely you would do all the surfaces that children or staff might touch first? Before a deep clean?
it may be there was no RIGHT answer
they just wanted to see what the candidate said
In my experience, kitchens are always cleaned by the kitchen staff, the general cleaners aren’t allowed to clean them because of cross contamination. The mops, etc, in the kitchen, are solely for kitchen use.
I’d also say toilets first to be kept clean. Stairs, reception, etc should always be kept tidy due to trip hazards but I reckon toilets need a thorough clean on a daily basis.
But what do I know….
That could got some way to explaining recent interviewees for the PM job I suppose.
Just tell them what they want to hear and be handed a broom to sweep clean.

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