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Hello All, Just Coming Out The Other Side Of A Right Stinker Of A Cold

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Bobbisox1 | 12:07 Tue 07th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
Which I usually get once a year , now at the ‘loosening’ stage , good job for good husbands , this is my first day up so maybe it’s the flu as I wouldn’t normally be laid flat with just a cold , anyhoo, on the mend again now :0)


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I do hope you feel better soon. both myself and husband have had similar issues in recent days.
Oh no and you were ill a couple of weeks ago too - hope thats it cleared up good and proper now
glad you're on the mend xx
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Thank you , I’m on the mend and thankfully it’s just a common ailment that I have
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Tis the season for viruses and the like :0)
Morning Bobbs. Get well soon.
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Hey Sparkly my friend, how’s you?
Hope you get better soon Bobbi you have been missed on here ,Good Luck.
Let's hope that's it, now Bobbi! Glad you're on the mend.
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I hated getting up at 2am ( couldn’t breathe through my nose) it’s not a natural thing to be doing for a good sleeper :0)
Thanks Gulliver ( I think) and Patsy :0)))
Hello Bobbi, I wondered where you were. Nice to see you on the mend.
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Thank you Tilly,I couldn’t be bothered to even read my Kindle let alone post ;0/
That sounds worse than a cold. Glad you are on the mend.
I understand. It does sound as if you have had flu.

I have had a cold for about two months. It comes on, lasts two days and goes. A few days later it starts again.
We both have had 2 lots of antibiotics, as you say it is going around.
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I’m currently having a lemsip and my ears are popping with each swallow but I made myself get up,get a shower and get dressed, even put a bit of make up on, it’s made me feel much better
My elderly father has just had a bad one but is on the mend now touch wood.
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Yes it’s circulating but good but at least it something we’ve lived with for years now, hope Dad is on the mend Peonyrose, how old is he?
Hi Bobbi glad you're feeling better, nice to see you back. Have you heard from Minty or LadyCG at all, they seem to have gone missing perhaps they have the same bug as you
Hes 93 in April but hes pretty good for his age. get well soon yourself.

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