I don't agree with you Miss T, about it being luck. If people gave just a little attention to their lifestyle, they might see an improvement. I've just told you a little bit about mine but I'm not saying that's the way to do it. People find their thing don't they?
Just as an example, when lots of people get some sort of pain or ache, they're either off to the doctor or stuffing OTC painkillers down themselves. I've never done either. The last time I went to the doctors when when I fell and damaged my shoulder and subsequently had treatment. But that was an accident, entirely my own fault btw, not illness. Lots of people don't do themselves any favours by taking medicines when they don't need to; going to the doctors when they don't need to. I'm proud of the fact that I loooked after myself, and still do. My family laugh at me because I regularly say that I won't be ill. And I won't. I believe that. Honest! It's all in the mind! :o)