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Men’s Attention To Female Bodies

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Raidergal2022 | 16:06 Sun 23rd Apr 2023 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
This might seem an odd and maybe inappropriate question but it is just a fact of life that men like to admire women’s bodies .. if they are at the beach, wearing shorts/strappy tops/figure hugging clothes etc

I was having a conversation with someone they weee discussing the above. I thought I would just ask on here.. what age does a woman get to before men generally will stop admiring her figure? Assuming she maintains a similar body fat level throughout her life



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how much more "positive" does it get, Redhelen? Sexual attraction isn't the only attraction but it seems to be a significant one for most people.
it's certainly a hard one to answer, jno......
People often seem less attractive when viewed through green eyes.
Alidoc at 18.51

Made me laugh.
I think men and women both look better clothed in fairly modest clothing. Because we live in a grockle padt of the world, the amount of blokes walking around bare chested increases dramatically in shops, cfes etc
I didnt mean to post that last answer!
Men are attracted to shapely bodies. Women are attracted to shapely wallets.
See also Rupert Murdoch.
there is no age
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There are gerontophiles.
Not all men are the same, so the answer is ... it depends.
They can be a nuisance at times.
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This is a very sexist question. As a man I'm always aware of women ogling my body.

For example, if there's a female behind me on the staircase, I can feel their eyes gazing at my elderly yet still pert buns, as I ascend.
You wish!
Retro... And how would you feel if someone said they felt sick at the thought of you and this 40 yo guy? Humans have innate preferences for healthy fertile partners; and sometimes for wealthy partners; and sometimes for anybody at all if there's a spark. There's nothing wrong with any of those, but we shouldn't be too judgmental We will all be old one day (if we're lucky) and we have a right to fancy whover we fancy. :-)
BTW, you sound hot!

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