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I Have Been Suffering With Extreme Tiredness

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tamaris | 16:08 Sun 21st May 2023 | Body & Soul
81 Answers
For some time now. I have had an all clear for recent illnesses. I had a ct scan, bloods taken, and biopsies taken but everything is normal. I have no energy. I've mentioned it to the doctor but there doesn't appear to be anything wrong wirh me. I'm baffled, is it worth going private ?


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Choux, I don't know why you think sqad is very knowledgeable. How can he possibly advise Tamaris to go see a psychiatrist without knowing anything about her?
17:07 Sun 21st May 2023
Could you possibly have sleep apnoea? You might be unaware if you sleep alone. More common in the obese but skinny minnies can suffer with it too
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I'm not bothered either x
Go private if you can afford to, tamaris. I’ve no faith left in the NHS. Good luck.
/// Barsel Thanks for BA Tamaris. I think we are probably both in Sqads bad book. :-)///
Haha , join the club :0)))
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Bobby quite x
But of a wild card but have you had COVID ?? My long COVID includes extreme fatigue and breathlessness.. feel like the Duracell bunny needing charged at times...times .. for no reason...
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Hi Murray mint, its been suggested but I had tiredness before that
Hope you get to the bottom of it xx
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Thank you x
Barsel, I suspect tamaris is not satisfied with her GP's decision and he has knowledge of her. All down to judgement really and I rate Sqad's knowledge. He asks for feedback and follows up individuals on here from time to time. Sqad often tries to gather more details to get more knowledge from OP's and I see many posters thanking him. I would never exclude his advice should I ask on here. My opinion is AB is fortunate to have his opinion. Each to his own though, as ever.

(Waves to Sqad)
tam, did you see my post about sleep apnoea?
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Hi Barry, I sleep alone. I sleep deeply thru night and same thru the day at times. Not sure about apnoea, tbh I don't know what's wrong
Sounds daft but it might be worth recording yourself overnight, if you have a smartphone or tablet there are apps that will record snoring, sleeptalking and other sounds you make in the night. The best ones only record when it hears sound so you don't have to wade through hours of silence.
You might be surprised at just how disturbed your sleep really is. Have a listen, it is quite alarming!
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Pretty sure I don't have that, in the past with ppl staying they have said I don't really snore.
//My opinion is AB is fortunate to have his opinion. Each to his own though, as ever.

(Waves to Sqad)//

Lol. Send him a virtual apple and a few packs of Ibuprofen that will put the world to rights.
Do you know if they specifically tested the thyroid Tamaris?

I felt constantly tired and encouraged by a colleague at the time I asked for a thyroid check. Dr asked me why I felt I needed one and I explained that I thought it worth a check. There was a reluctancy for sone reason but it was only a blood test so why not?

Indeed I needed medication and feel much better. I now have regular annual checks.
Barry that sounds horrendous.
As I live and sleep on my own, I don't know if I'm a snorer or not.
When I was in hospital once, I had no visitors although other patients did, and I fell asleep.
When I woke up, it seemed quite a few people were looking at me but I was too embarrassed to ask if I had been snoring. :-)
I'll wave to sqad, he's always been/is being extremely helpful to me.

I was going to ask if you had had a lot of short illnesses in the last few months, tamaris, because I had chronic fatigue one year having started with illness 5th Nov.(antibiotics), then another followed almost immediately, then another and then another. By March it was hard work to think about getting up to fill the kettle.

It passed with the better weather and no infections.
Choux, I seem to think Sqad was an ENT specialist and if he is advising on that, then fair enough, but to joke about depression and psychiatry isn't funny.
I've also pulled him up about saying 'No big deal'
It might not be to him, but it can be to the person asking for advice.
IMO his bedside manner is not the best. are entitled to your opinion.

Please identify the post in which I joked about Depression and Psychiatry..........I would never do that.

"No big deal" is my opinion of the problem and is meant to reassure the patient and of course I know it may be to the patient(ABer)

I am getting sick and tired of this unnecessary criticism .

Support your claim or apologise .

You ar correct I am not hot on bedside manner.

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