Blocked ear in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Blocked ear

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ellen_16 | 20:20 Wed 04th Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I woke up this morning and my left ear was blocked. It's driving me crazy I can't hear anyone! I have put earex in when I got in from school (4pm) but it hasn't really made any difference. What can i do :(
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Pop down to your pharmacist in the chemist's and have a word with him, you may even need to get your ears syringed at the doctor's surgery.. Sometimes it's easier to ask the pharmacist than book an appointment at the doctor's, to start with.

Is it actually blocked with wax, or does it just 'feel' as though it's blocked? Have you had a cold or the sniffles lately? It might be you have a bit of gluey-fluid behind the eardrum. What you could do is try a puff or two of Sinex nasal spray and then about 20 minutes later, hold your breath, pinch your nose and close your mouth, and gently 'blow' and I mean gently! This sometimes helps to break up the gluey-fluid. Try it twice a day for a day or two and see if that has any effect.

Of course, as the warning at the top of the category says, it's always safest to obtain proper medical help but the Sinex treatment is one I've been told to use for the same symptoms so it might work for you.

It could be eczema inside the ear. I get it and it starts with that feeling. In which case you definitely need to see a doctor, but either way just incase this is the problem protct your ears from the wet and dont stick anything in them. If only I followed that advice ever, he he. I love sticking stuff down my ears.
if you feel it is wax maybe a hot water bottle will help, lay on it like a pillow (with a cover and not too hot) i often do this if i have ear ache and feels lovely and often helps unblock my ears.

It could be a build up of hard wax and you need to dissolve/soften it before it can be syringed. I had the same thing it was really strange the whole room sounded muffled. I went to the Doctors after I had used the wax softening drops for a few days to have it syringed. I didnt realise he had music playing until he syringed my ear and removed the offending wax, it was such a relief to hear normally again .

Its always best to see your GP to rule out other problems such as infection, which needs treating .

I know what you mean Goodsoulette about puting things down your ear, i'm a demon with a cotton bud. I know its not good for me to shove them down so far but the urge is irrisistable, I get told off at the Doctors all the time when he has to syringe my ears (but I like that as well !).

I'm sure there must be some medical condition for it :-)
EDIT - I mean I like my ears being syringed, not that I like the Doctor telling me off !
Now we all know what floats Khana's boat!!

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