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piggynose | 07:08 Thu 14th Dec 2023 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

isn´t she?



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Wow, that's amazing. 
Too long to watch it all, though

Your just jealous Piggy🤣

And so am I!!

Not bad if she really is 99.

Question Author

7.40 yeh canary, I doubt she's 99, but still quite impressive for her age.

1ozzy too right I am jealous!🤣🤣🤣

I have been trying to sit from standing, as this lady does, for many months.

I still can't get lower than 6" from the floor.  I am determined to do it.

Don't think I'll ever be able to stand up in that way, although I can get up without using my arms or hands. It's not elegant 

If this marvellous lady isn't 99, someone will no doubt debunkthe statement as a falsehood. What obviously isn't up for debate is that she is superbly fit physically. And she is certainly 'of an age' which makes her achievements all the more impressive.

These are the same as the exercises I've been doing down the gym since I had my knee replacement. What?😛

She is Lauren Bruzzone and is in her late seventies.


An incredible person still.

Blimey! Whether she's 99 or a 'mere' 79 that's blooming impressive!!

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