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Shopping At Temu

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Rosie29 | 09:30 Thu 30th May 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

There have been questions in the past about this online store and the very low prices.

For anyone interested there is a programme on Channel 4 tonight 8pm - The Truth about Temu.  Might be worth a look.



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Thanks for that ...I've heard good and bad. I know my daughter has ordered from them with no problems. 

For anyone who'd like a summary of the programme's content:

It has to be remembered though that, just like Amazon Marketplace or eBay, Temu doesn't actually sell any products itself. It's simply a portal through which vast numbers of different retailers can sell their wares.  Inevitably, some sellers will be better than others.

I've bought plenty of goods from Temu's biggest rival. (For some unexplained reason, I can't post their name here.  However the initials are A E).  Everything I've bought has been delivered promptly (typically taking just one week from China) and works perfectly, often only costing around a quarter of the UK price.  However I'd still be very wary of buying anything from them where there could potentially be safety issues involved.

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Thanks B - that's very interesting 


I've had a few bits n bobs from Temu, they're fine, but Temu then fills your email inbox daily with 'offers', I've since blocked them but would still buy from them

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